Halloween Fun
What's your favorite scary movie? Kristi is not a big fan of scary movies but Carolyn loves them and highly recommends the new "IT" movie. Here is a list of the top 75 best horror movies of all times according to the thrillest.com.
Need a last-minute costume for Halloween? Check out this list of great ideas from Good Housekeeping. Some of our favorites are: Smarty Pants, Bob Ross and the Happy Little Tree, formal apology, and bubble bath
Looking for some fun Halloween party food ideas? The FoodNetwork.com has some great, easy recipes including, a no-bake cheesecake brain and screaming hot peanuts.
What's your favorite Halloween Candy? We all have that one candy that we LOVE to get. This article from MentalFloss.com lists the most popular Halloween candy by state. What do you think? Did they get it right?
Don't forget the music? Before you start your Christmas playlist don't forget to check out the Halloween playlists that can be found on most online music streaming services. From pop to classical choices you're sure to set the right mood for Halloween.