Want to learn something new? Now is the time. Never before have there been so many online options for learning everything from cooking, photography, design, writing, art journaling and more. Here are just a few options and some even have special deals going on right now.
MasterClass - MasterClass is the streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 80+ of the world’s best. Right now you can get access to all of their classes for just $15/month. Some of the classes that look interesting to us are:
Cooking with Gordon Ramsey
Writing with Margaret Atwood, Judy Blume, RL Stine, James Patterson
Photography with Annie Lebowitz
Skill Share - Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. Right now you can get two months free when you sign up to explore what they have to offer. Here are just a few options:
DSL Photography with Justin Bridges
Discovering Your Art StyleThrough Daily Creating with Terry Runyun (she is a KC local and we love her illustrations!)
Hand Lettering Essentials for Beginners with Mary Kate McDevitt
Creative Live - Master your craft, your passion, or something new with creative classes taught by the world’s best. Creative Live offers free live classes or you can subscribe and watch them anywhere at anytime. They cover everything from art, to life skills, to money and finance, to songwriting. A few examples are:
Designing Graphic T-Shirts with Brandon Rike
How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real Confidence with Mel Robbins
Scratch DJ Academy presents: DJ Fundamentals with DJ Hapa
Orange Easel - Orange Easel School of Art is a Kansas City based art school that offers classes to all ages. They have just started offering online classes and have a special CLASS PACK which includes 12 classes per month for $20. You can explore: watercolor, hand-lettering, doodling, art journaling, and more.