We're almost at our one year quarantine anniversary. It's been a rough year for many of us for a variety of reasons. We've learned that it's important for our mental health that we actively seek out happiness and help our loved ones out by spreading happiness. We hope this list inspires you to find and spread a little happiness:
Send A Surprise Snail Mail Card, Letter or Gift - it feels so good to make a friends day and let them know they are loved. Looking for inspiration? How cute is this rainbow mug from Natural Life? We also love this Little Book of Encouragement from Sugarboo & Co. Hand-writing letters is a lost art. Who doesn't love receiving a hand-written letter? We love this Blue Flowers Stationary Set from Paper Source.
Gratitude Journal - there are a multitude of journals to choose from on Etsy or at your favorite paper store. Our advice is to choose a gorgeous inspiring book that makes you want to write in it. Acknowledging gratitude lowers stress levels, helps you sleep better and gives clarity. We love this journal that we found at The Lamare on Etsy.
Meditation - dedicate a few minutes every day to meditation. Not sure how to get started? We found this article from Mindful helpful. Meditation reduces stress & mind chatter and improves focus & mood, just to name a few benefits.
Exercise - the weather is slowly improving. Get outside for a walk. The benefits of Vitamin D combined with moving our bodies are underrated. Have a hard time forcing yourself out the door? Adopt a dog and you'll never miss a walk. Dog guilt is real and powerful. Our favorite rescue organizations in the Kansas City area are KC Pet Project, Lucky 13 Rescue and Wayside Waifs. My beautiful Rosie came to us via Wayside Waifs.
Zoom, Google Duo & FaceTime Calls - when we can't see our friends and family in person, seeing their faces while speaking makes a HUGE difference. Kristi & I schedule art nights where we do our choice of art for a couple of hours while we visit. These art nights make us feel closer than our actual 681 miles apart and are soul-soothing and energizing. Try it, you'll see what we are talking about.
Eat Chocolate - when we were on our Google Duo call last night brainstorming ideas for happiness chocolate came up. How shocking right? Chocolate makes us happy so we're adding it to our list! Our favorite Canadian candy company is Chocolate Barr's Candy in Stratford Ontario. Their milk chocolate sea salt bar is beyond amazing! Our favorite US candy company is River Street Sweets in Savannah, GA. Their Bear Claws are life changing. Treat yourself. Then get out and go for a walk. With your dog, of course.
Recently I dropped a container of blueberries right in front the cashier at the grocery store. I apologized to the cashier profusely and she kindly told me that it happens all the time as she ran and got a broom to clean up my mess. As I turned to go get a new container the man behind me in line handed me a new one that he had run and picked up for me. No impatient sighs or dirty looks, just people being patient and kind. We need more of this in our lives. If we've learned anything this year, it is that we are all going through something and that kindness is a balm to our wounds.
We hope that you are are all keeping safe and healthy. Wondering where and when you can get your Covid Vaccination? Just google CDC Covid Vaccine Schedule with your state name. Here are links for Ohio, Missouri and Kansas. Hang in there, we'll get through this together.
Now get outside and go for a walk!
Shine On,
Kristi and Carolyn
PS. Dogs & music are a beautiful combination. Check out this video to see what we're talking about.