When you shop small you are supporting more than just small businesses, you are supporting their employees, their communities and helping to create jobs. Here are some interesting facts about small businesses and how your purchases from them can make a BIG difference:
Shopping small businesses helps create more jobs. Seventy-seven million Americans are employed by small business. That’s 2 out of every 3 private sector jobs in the United States. According to the SBA, small businesses have created 66% of all new jobs since 1995. Every $10million of spending at a local company creates 57 jobs while that same spending at Amazon creates just 14 jobs.
You will help create more diversity in both communities and products. When you spend money with local, independent businesses, those businesses tend to hire people who represent the demographics of the surrounding community. And it’s not just diversity of people, but a diversity of product, too. Local shops are more likely to carry a varied selection, and local artisans create goods that represent their culture.
Your purchases support the local community in many ways. A series of studies by the research firm Civic Economics found that 48 percent of purchases at local independent businesses go right back into the community, compared to less than 14 percent of sales made at chain stores. Supporting small businesses means that the community you call home receives the tax benefits, providing a deeper well of funds for spending on public services like education, libraries, fire protection, road and park improvements.
You can't beat the customer service! Small businesses deliver more personable, hands-on, and memorable customer service. They take pride in serving their people and deeply desire to connect with you.
Create a positive impact in the lives of others. When you shop small, you create a meaningful difference in the lives of someone whose name you actually know. And they know you, too. You are not order numbers to us, you are our community of support. For each small business that we serve, your support unlocks countless opportunities. Another child can access music lessons, another teenager can attend college, an adult can get much-needed healthcare, and another family isn’t at the whim of a corporate giant.
A special thanks to Lela Barker at Lucky Break Consulting for sharing these insights. These are some great reasons to Shop Small this weekend and all year round!